Ideally, your natural teeth should last a lifetime. If you do lose one or more teeth, however, you can take heart in knowing there are numerous options for replacing them. Tooth loss doesn’t have to be permanent. For many people, removable partial dentures offer a viable option for replacing lost teeth and restoring their smile. At Msmiline Cosmetic Dentistry, we offer removable partial denture treatment to our patients in Pierrefonds, Quebec and surrounding communities.
Partial dentures are dental restorations used for replacing single or multiple missing teeth. They’re custom-designed for comfort, function and appearance so that they blend in naturally with the rest of your smile. Unlike implants embedded in your jawbone, partial dentures are supported by your gums and surrounding teeth. During the day, partial dentures function like natural teeth for eating, smiling and speaking. At night, they can be easily removed and soaked in a denture solution for cleaning.
Although no one relishes the thought of losing natural teeth, it happens quite frequently. At Msmiline Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Ramin Mirmooji will work with you to resolve tooth loss issues. We’ll evaluate your condition and recommend options for replacing missing teeth. One of these options could be removable partial dentures.
Removable partial dentures may be the right choice for you if you’re looking for a cost-effective means of replacing missing teeth. Removable partial dentures are less costly than implants or a fixed dental bridge and don’t impact the health of surrounding teeth. You can have partial dentures custom-made for your use so that they fit comfortably, function accurately and restore your smile naturally.
Removable partial dentures are less invasive than implants and quicker. Dr. Mirmooji can design your denture restorations on the same day of your dental visit to avoid delays in your treatment. Unlike implants, which can take six months or longer to complete, the process of getting removable partial dentures is straightforward and quick, so you can start enjoying your replacement teeth much sooner.
Easy care is another plus for removable partial denture treatment. Partial dentures snap into place easily for daily use. When worn, you can eat, speak, laugh and smile with ease. At night, your dentures can be easily removed for cleaning. We’ll give you detailed instructions on caring for your dentures to maximize their longevity. Your dentures must be rinsed, washed daily, and soaked at night to retain their natural form and attractive appearance. And remember, wearing partial dentures doesn’t exempt you from practicing good oral habits and seeing your dentist bi-annually for routine cleanings.
To learn more about partial denture treatment and how it can benefit you, contact Dr. Ramin Mirmooji of Msmiline Cosmetic Dentistry in Pierrefonds, Quebec, by calling (514) 613-1888 at your earliest convenience.
Dr. Ramin Mirmooji is a dynamic general practitioner who believes in providing excellent dentistry through personalized treatment plans and the best advice for patients. He graduated in Civil Engineering from South Bank Polytechnic (England) and studied microbiology and immunology at McGill University. He obtained his doctorate in dentistry from the University of Laval. He has followed many mini-residency courses in orthodontics, implantology, periodontics, endodontics, cosmetic dentistry, pain management, MTA disorders, etc. He is a member of the Quebec Dental Association, Canadian Dental Association (CDA), Dental Society of Montreal, and International Congress of Implantology.
Dr. Samer Abboud, who graduated in Paris, France, is a general dentist practicing orthodontic services in several dental offices in Montreal. He has also served as a clinical research coordinator at McGill University and a professor. He has trained in adult and pediatric orthodontics, occlusion, and dental surgeries and has earned many diplomas. He has been a member of the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec, CDA, Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Québec, Proprietary Dentists of Quebec, and the National Dental Examining Board of Canada.