The ATM is the joint that is located between the lower jaw and the temporal cavity (in front of the ear). In the presence of a morphological problem of the joint or a dysfunction of the masticatory function, physiological manifestations such as pain or crackles may be felt. More than half of the Canadian population is thought to have an ATM disorder, but only one in ten people would see a dentist for it.

There are some things that may be linked to the development of ATM disorders:

Doctor is Cleaning Patient's Teeth
  • Presence of a malocclusion
  • Change of sides during chewing
  • Loss of one or more teeth
  • Trauma to the jaw

Other external phenomena can also trigger TMJ disorder such as fatigue, jaw injury, stress (frequent jaw twitching), cold and dampness, the habit of chewing gum or biting your nails, playing certain musical instruments, snorkelling, emotional shock, etc.

Bruxism and dental pain

Bruxism (teeth grinding) can be accompanied by waking headaches, temporomandibular joint pain, and even dental pain. To avoid abnormal wear of your teeth or certain damage such as dental fractures and cracks, the dentist can offer you an occlusal plate specially adapted to your teeth. This will help absorb the pressure exerted on the teeth and the ATM when you grind your teeth. The device, designed in a very resistant plastic, from the digital impressions of your teeth, will offer you great comfort and good protection. You will have to wear it overnight.

Want to learn more about ATM disorders? Contact us or discuss it with your dentist during your next visit.

Dr. Ramin Mirmooji

Dr. Ramin Mirmooji is a dynamic general practitioner who believes in providing excellent dentistry through personalized treatment plans and the best advice for patients. He graduated in Civil Engineering from South Bank Polytechnic (England) and studied microbiology and immunology at McGill University. He obtained his doctorate in dentistry from the University of Laval. He has followed many mini-residency courses in orthodontics, implantology, periodontics, endodontics, cosmetic dentistry, pain management, MTA disorders, etc. He is a member of the Quebec Dental Association, Canadian Dental Association (CDA), Dental Society of Montreal, and International Congress of Implantology.

Dr. Samer Abboud

Dr. Samer Abboud, who graduated in Paris, France, is a general dentist practicing orthodontic services in several dental offices in Montreal. He has also served as a clinical research coordinator at McGill University and a professor. He has trained in adult and pediatric orthodontics, occlusion, and dental surgeries and has earned many diplomas. He has been a member of the Ordre des Dentistes du Québec, CDA, Association des Chirurgiens Dentistes du Québec, Proprietary Dentists of Quebec, and the National Dental Examining Board of Canada.